Gladiator, a premier sports and cultural fest, proudly hosted by CUSBMA, stands as a testament to the diverse talents within the BBA department. Spanning over one and a half weeks, the fest showcases a remarkable display of skill, passion, and unity across 11 dynamic sports and cultural events.
Each class is sincerely evaluated based on their performance in every competition, with cumulative rankings published on the official leaderboard, updated daily. As the fest unfolds, the intense yet spirited rivalry among the classes fuels the drive for excellence, with every participant striving to secure the top spot in this prestigious fest.
Continuing this proud legacy, we are honored to present GLADIATOR ’25. This year, once again, every class will stand united, and every student will be driven with enthusiasm, as Gladiator is not merely a fest—it is an enduring emotion, passed down from one batch to the next, keeping the spirit of competition and camaraderie alive.